I have already mentioned that when I attended Squam Art Workshop, I met many wonderful people and had an inspiring time. I did manage to make a few things in the workshops I attended, as well.
Above is from Elizabeth Bunsens' "Positives and Negatives" class (journaling with photographs). In this piece we tore up a photo, passed pieces of our photos around and then put everything together in the way we thought best. I ended up making another layer on mine with a transparency I brought, of a black and white drawing I had done.

Took a great class with another wonderful woman and teacher Judy Wise, called "Waxy Layers" (collage, painting and encaustic). I love using photos of my own work to make new work. I did that with each piece I created.....hence the title of this post," art stew". If things sit around my studio for too long, I need to "stir it up" a bit. How about you?

More from EBs' class. She gave us many creative prompts to get us started on each page.

More encaustic.

This last page is from Judys' "Playbook" class. We simply played in our sketchbooks using many ideas for loosening up......funny how you forget how to do that.
Don't forget to stir things up a bit!!!