I decided that before I went to Squam, since I was taking a few journaling classes and I do not usually bind my own sketchbooks, that I would create artwork for the covers. I used my small-scale assemblage work on copper technique.

I thought I had completed this piece when I left home, but I found this heart shaped stone on the shores of Lake Champlain.

The edge of this piece is tree bark from Squam Lake that was given to me by Elizabeth Bunsen, collector of all things, extraordinaire.

Reminder- if you are near the Philadelphia area this Friday night, please come out and say "hi" at Snyderman/ Works Gallery . I dropped my work off today and saw some of the work by the other artists in the show. It's pretty incredible. I'm thrilled to be included.
The time on this invite should be 5:30- 8:30 and the show will be there until the end of October, not mid November.