This year however, will be a quiet one. My dear mother in law, Yolanda is trying to make her way back from a bad fall and some major surgery. She will be sorely missed this year. She is our inspiration for gathering together. Her sweet disposition, incredible love for her family and , last but not least cooking expertise, is legendary. Each holiday, we not only have turkey, but we also have the privilage of having her amazing homemade ravioli.
My husband has been spending the last few years trying to learn as much as he can about her cooking techniques. Each holiday now, he spends hours making the homemade pasta that Yolanda is no longer able to make.....and he's good.....very good.
We traveled to her Italian home, Lumarzo, in the hills just north of Genoa, this year. It's a beautiful village, where almost everyone has the family name Schenone (Yolanda's maiden name).
The ravioli we were lucky enough to have there was good and similar, but not as good as Yolandas.
Our fire burns brightly for you, Yolanda. We love you very much. You are truly a treasure in our lives for which we are thankful.
Please raise a glass to Yolanda and all of the treasures in your life, my blogging friends, I am treasuring all of you as well, for all of your visits and comments and creativity you have brought to my life. Thank you.