So...the other day my friend Paula and I decided to have an "art" day. We've done that many times before. We work together on a current project each of us is involved in and offer each other feedback, chat about life and eat. I was working on my current altered book round robin project. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to show photos......so I am offering up my palate as my creative piece. Sorry!
Paula, who is a multi media artist (check out her website
here) was working on a Ketubah for her brother, who is getting married. I googled the definition of a Ketubah .... The ketubah is a Jewish marriage contract between the husband and wife. It may
be printed; more often, it is hand written in beautiful calligraphy
and illuminated by a sofer, or scribe. Much of the traditional Aramaic
text is over 2,000 years old, and the present form was fixed in the
eighth or ninth century. The ketubah formalizes the groom's commitment
to protect and care for the bride. The ketubah has two signatures from
close friends or respected teachers as formal witnesses to his
Traditionally, a ketubah is a legal lien on the husband's property
which he gives his wife-to-be in the case of his death or their
divorce, to ensure her maintenance and well-being. There are some
options that a woman can negotiate. In traditional Judaism, the
ketubah is signed by the man, read under the chupah, and given
immediately to the woman. The ketubah belongs to the woman.
In the liberal movements, the text of the Ketubah has been modified to
be more egalitarian, and provide equal protection for both husband and
wife. Some Ketubahs also include language to address the issue of
husbands that refuse to provide a get, or bill of divorce, when
requested by the wife.
There is another way to view the Ketubah: think of it as the first
prenuptual contract!
Here is her "almost finished" (she has to frame it) creative accomplishment to our day. I think it's beautiful!

On another note.....
Recently, Philadelphia Magazine had a tiny little mention of the fact that Elizabeth Gilbert (of Eat, Pray, Love....one of my favorite books...if you have not read it pick it up now. I've read it 3 times!! ) and her husband had opened an imports wearhouse in Frenchtown, New Jersey about 45 minutes from where I live called
"Two Buttons" . I had promised my mother that we would have an outing. She wanted to go to New Hope, which is not far from Frenchtown. So off we went....so if you have read the book, Felipe, her Brazilian "boyfriend, now husband...whose real name happens to be Jose (pronounced Joe-say) was there running things. Needless to say I was thrilled. He was delightful to both my mother and myself. We were the only ones there and we spent some time looking over all of the goodies.

While I was there, "Liz" called . She had him GIVE me a set of those beads you see above that are on the cover. I also made a purchase that I love. The faces that you see below were painted by Wayan , an artist in the village where they lived in Bali. It is a box that, depending on what side you are looking at, has a different expression. He also made and painted the puppet below.