My first workshop was with Stephanie Lee. The most useful info that I came away with was mold making. I'm not sure how much I will use some of the other plaster techniques in my work , but I loved playing with it . I manipulated some plaster onto the boards that she provided and created textures and then attached some pieces that I made out of plaster with her mold making techniques.
The next two days were spent with Keith Lo Bue. The first day was mind bending. We were told to go on a quick found object expedition. Next we had to pick any three things we had for a sharing table and then these items were given out by number. Our assignment was to take one object from our outdoor walk, one from the share table and one of any item that we brought with us and put them together (without glue) into a "wearable object. What a thought provoking assignment that was. Unfortunately, I lost the use of my camera and had to use my friend Jerris. She has the photos, so I will post them at a later time.
The second day was spent learning various tool and attachment techniques. It was not much of a "product" oriented class but I learned alot.
Sunday and Monday were purely "deMengian".( Yes, Judy....soon you'll have your turn!)! Even though I did the Cortona workshop, I find working in a Michael demeng workshop to be so inspirational that I doubt you can take too many. Not only do you learn so much from him, but I find that most of the people in the workshops have so much to offer as well.
SODA POP ICONS..............
See if you can find some of the objects in my previous post in these pieces. I was very happy to transform the brushes into voodoo dolls. Constance, no one would let me transform the brush you gave me. They thought it was too special.