"I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore, I hear it in the deep hearts core."
-William Butler Yeats
I had a magical time last week. I spent a few days on lake Champlain in Vermont visiting with dear friends and at Squam Lake in New Hampshire (with those same friends) at the Sqaum Art Workshops. A few words and photos follow.

It's about being creative with others and laughing until you can't breathe. Then looking back and being amazed at what you did together.

.......and from the inside.

Bringing friends with you that couldn't make it.

Crazy, but lovable roommates, out on the dock at 6 am. trying to take a photo.

Glorious photographic opportunities...Leslie, Isabel , Elizabeth and myself.

Great teachers, wonderful people and dear friends....eb and Judy Wise.

New friend and a wonderful fiber artist.

Sit in an inspiring place.