A dear friend came to visit us at the beach. She has two young children, adorable little girls. Did we build sand castles? Did we splash in the surf? Did we bury each other in the sand? YES, just like everyone else. Did anyone else have paints and paper and use sea water to wet the paints? NO. Lucky us.
As a former art teacher, I still get great pleasure out of seeing children play with a box of paints......and play we did. After they got bored with the paper, we started body painting. SWEET!
In the evening, we headed to the boardwalk , lots of people, lots of noise and food that will kill you. Not my favorite place to hang out, but with little ones, it's a must. The colors very much reminded me of that paint box.
I prefer the softer side. Soft evening light. Softer colors. Sand like powder between your toes.
An evening breeze. Back to the beach for some sketching.