Meet my mother-in-law Yolanda, sisters-in-law Anne and Jane( dear sister-in-law Maria was not there at the time). This photo was taken by, who else? daughter the photographer Emily, last summer at a bridal shower for my daughter-in-law Jordana. Why am I telling you all this? Well, it has to do with how I work. I like the details. I like to focus in on something rather than taking in the whole picture. These days I think it has alot to do with my eyesight changing. You know, as you get older, suddenly you are holding things as far away as you possibly can in order to read them.
Being trained as an artist, you are taught to look closely at everything. I find it increasingly frustrating trying to see the details these days. Anyway.....I looked at this photograph and loved how their feet were arranged. I decided to paint them with encaustics (melted, fused beeswax).
I love the texture that you can get with the layers of wax and color. Particularly, the brushstroke marks. I also love the challenge of trying to make the marks that I want with the brush before the wax cools.
On another note.......My friend, ELYNNE ROSENFELD, recently had an exhibit of her paintings at a local hospital/medical center. She sent out an announcement for her show that I thought was incredibly moving and beautiful about ART AND HEALING. Please visit her blog ( and read what she has to say. I think you will be moved as well. Below are two pieces from her show.