I just returned from an exhausting but exhilarating trip to the Art and Soul retreat in Hampton Virginia. What you see above is a photo of some of my images before they were used in my workshops. Many of the classes that I attended were new techniques and trying to complete projects in a day was quite a challenge, as I am a MAJOR PRODUCT ORIENTED person. I thought that the seat belt quote was incredibly appropriate.
One of my instructors, Stephanie Lee (terrific BTW), told me that someone has studied the creative process and it is the equivalent of running a marathon. Try that for 5 days. I'm not complaining here, just explaining the exhausted part.
"Things are not difficult to make. What is difficult is putting ourselves in a state of mind to make them."- Constantin Brancusi
I always marvel at those people that come with this amazing plan. Sketches, a thought process and reason for what they are about to do. I operate on what is around me and on the table in front of me. No plan. Half of my creative day is arranging . Below are just a few examples of what my unplanned attack produced.......please don't compare me to George Bush!!!
From Susan Lenart Kazmers class of transparent resin pages-
Michael Demengs "morpheous box" class, a "totemic" theme was born. If you have ever wondered about taking a class with him, don't. He is a master of knowledge, fun , music and the critique. I've taken a few and I never tire of his creative energy.
Inside of my " morphous" box. are samples from my class with the lovely Jane Wynn. We learned about patinas on all types of surfaces.
I took two great classes with Stephanie Lee. Below is from her plaster meets wax workshop. Just a detail. Much of my work hasn't been completed. Many of the classes were process oriented........yikes! That's tough for me. But like I said my seat belt was fastened.
Last but certainly not least, I had such a wonderful time with all of the old and new friends that I was lucky enough to spend time with. I did not take many photos this trip. Below is one you can puzzle over. Taken after too many beers on the last night.